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Wedding Day

It could lead to this...!

 ...Ready for the walk down the aisle! 

 A portrait of the blushing bride! This stunning #3 brunette had rubs to her eyebrows and one tiny rub to the upper lip. She was restored to her original beauty by Krista Candler, whose website is linked as the first one on the "links" page.  

 *Ken is late for his wedding, probably because of that wild bachelor party, but is due to show up soon! Keep checking for him!  

Surprise, Ken did show up! 

The bride and a beautiful guest chat at the reception. 

The BEAUTIFUL Couple, ready to live happily ever after... (and hopefully beat the 50% divorce rate...)

The Number ONE Bride

This breathtaking #1 Blonde looks ravishing in her Wedding Day Set, photo c/ Dawn Austin!

Soft Wedding Day Portrait...

Tama's beautiful #4 Blonde in her "Wedding Day Set" in a gorgeous pose (photo c/o Tama)

cubby's #3 Brunette and Ken on their Wedding Day!

(Photos courtesy of cubby)

Another beautiful couple... 

 First Dance...

Meanwhile at the chapel next door, cubby's beautiful Brunette Bubble in "Bride's Dream" seems to be marrying Ken too (Do the two brides know about each other?). Check out the cake! 

Pink Silhouette Wedding

Here is my ultra-rare Pink Silhouette Box #3 in all her "Wedding Day Set" glory.

(Factory) Blushing #3 bride... :)

Another Beautiful Bride...

White Ginger Bubblecut wears "Beautiful Bride"--well, beautifully! 

 How about a garden wedding? 

A moment to reflect... 

So 60's! "Wedding Wonder" seems made for a Platinum Swirl...

Swirls look fab in Wedding Wonder, but it turns out this Raven Bubble looks killer in it too! (photo c/o Dawn Austin)

This lovely Brunette #3 with brown eyeliner looks just the slightest bit like she's getting cold feet!

(Photo c/o Jose)

Wedding Guests Galore!

Look, Skipper, here comes the bride! Sandy's lovely Swirl and Skipper in their matching bridesmaid's outfits (Photo courtesy of Sandy Mann)

Oh, that old rule about not wearing white to a wedding is sooo outdated! (Photo of gorgeous Titian Bubble courtesy of TimeTraveler)

 Trying to outshine the bride, The groom's ex-girlfriend shows up! (Photo of Fabulous Fashion Queen in "Golden Glory" courtesy of colormagickid)

Never fear darling, the wedding planner has arrived! (Photo of gorgeous White Ginger c/o Jose)

...Oh, did I upstage the bride? (Photo of incredible Brownette SP American Girl in "Debutante Ball" c/o Marina)

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